Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The act was nothing that I was expecting. I struggled with math and science the most,reasons why is because I couldn't remember the mathematical formulas nor could I understand the charts on the science part. I feel that the school did not prepare us well because I did not recognize the types of questions that appeared on the exam.
         The testing environment was good,It was quiet and not disturbing. Now that I know what is on the test I know types of questions or skills I need to focus on to achieve a better score. I honestly don't think I did so well on the test but the reason why is because the time. The time was short and did not give me enough time to work with the problem, I found my self guessing on a hand full of problems and that's something I don't want.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The American dream

The American Dream is an idea made but its people of the perfect life. This dream is mostly filled up with wishes of having a big house, nice car, great job, good income, and a perfect family, but there's a few people who don't believe the American dream. When u hear of this dream no one ever tells you about the obstacles that come with it. I do believe the American dream it's just not all over the top.
My dream is to have my dream occupation and have enough money so that my parents can just retire and enjoy the rest of their years because they took care of me I want to take care of them.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Good act

I don't know exactly what people do on the Friday before Easter but I assume they are good deeds.
If I were to do a good deed it would be help donate to anything or anyone who is need. I would donate to medical project,civil projects and others such as  shelters, nursing home and orphanages. But I don't have the money to make a difference but if did I would.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A lesson before dying - ch 8 & 9 quotes

Chapter 8
" I am superior to anyone blacker than me"
This quote from grants teacher connects to issues by showing the reader that the teacher is has problems such as self hate and hate against other just because the color of their skin and the blood of their tree. He gas conversations with grant and does nothing but put him down, even after growing old. He admitted his hatred and hate to grant but grant seemed to not care because it was as he already knew.
    This characterized the Teacher because it shows what he thinks of the people he has been around and how he truly feels. He tells grant to leave but is aggravated of grants decision to stay. 2 months before he passes away he and grant have a small conversation. Grant tells him that he has become a teacher as well, a little less harsh he told grant of his disappointment and after being asked for advice he tells him to do his best and that it won't matter. It shows that he was miserable with his life and telling grant he might be as well.

Chapter 9

"You the one - go'n jack that switch?"
This can characterize Jefferson because it show that he is afraid and looking back in regret. Jefferson is only waiting for the day to come and after seeing grant he asked if he would be the one to end him.
This also will bring conflict because it shows Jefferson did not want to be near him and neither does grant. But they both have get along and speak to each other so he can get his lesson before dying

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A place to visit

A place i would love to visit is Greece. Reasons why is because of ancient ruins and artifacts. Plenty of information can be found in that part of Europe. Athens is a place in Greece that is highly renowned. It was fully active more 3000 years ago, it is also known as the cradle of western civilization and pact with ruins to visit. Not too far down the road lies Delphi. This is one of the most popular archaeological site in all of Europe. What can I say, i am intrigued by the old world.

Monday, February 1, 2016

My escape place

My escape place would have to be the most uninteresting place ever. It's my bed room, I'm sure someone out there has the same place that's related to mine. My room is quite, calm, and relaxing.
All of my belongings are in that room, it can't get any comfortable than that. If I'm tired I sleep or relax, if I wish to be alone I go to my room. My room is my place to feel good.

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Sunday, January 31, 2016


My name is Diego Barena I apologize for not posting on time, but better late than never.
I am not the brightest student but I feel I can do something and have at least. I am not involved in any sports but I do have a hobby. My hobby is to draw, I supposedly can draw well but I feel I have much to learn. I don't have many things to brag about and I don't  mind as much. I honestly don't much but I hope this is acceptable.